Wednesday, June 6, 2001 - 5Fingerpole will be playing one last gig before going off to separate colleges and breaking up. We'll be playing behind the Lakenheath High School auditorium on Thursday, June 14 around noonish or whenever school's out. We're rounding up a couple of other acts as well, so there will be a good hour or so of music for everyone who comes out to see us.
Tuesday, May 12, 2001 - I'm wearing a nice, new 5FP t-shirt right now, and it looks great! Now I'm gonna have to blurb CafePress; they can do some pretty awesome stuff with shirts, and it's completely free (except for actually buying the stuff, of course).
Monday, May 7, 2001 - It took us long enough, but we've finally got shirts for all you 5FP fans. I haven't actually seen them yet, but I hear the quality is excellent. So anyway, order one today!
Saturday, April 7, 2001 - We've put up some new pictures from the Village gig, plus our set list from said show. So, like, look at them and stuff.
Saturday, March 24, 2001 - We did our first full-length gig last night, and it went pretty darn well (except for a little sound problem in the first half). We'll get pictures up here pretty soon.
Wednesday, February 7, 2001 - It's been a pretty slow year so far for 5FP, which explains the lack of updates. I just added the Events page, so if you live in our area, you can keep an eye out for new shows.
Thursday, December 28, 2000 - We've added eleven new pictures from our latest practice session.
Saturday, December 2, 2000 - We got two Performathon pictures up; we'll try to get more up later. We also added equipment descriptions to our bios.
Friday, November 17, 2000 - Performathon 2000 is over! We rocked!!! There were about 500 people in the audience, and nearly everyone was singing along with our songs (All the Small Things and The Kids Aren't Alright). This was an excellent first gig for us; we were easily the most well-received act in the show, and we played just long enough to feel good and play well without having to wear ourselves out. We'd also like to congratulate all the other acts, particularly the other bands. You guys were awesome. We should have pictures up within a week or so.
Thursday, November 16, 2000 - Tech rehearsals today, talent show tomorrow! We'll try to get pictures from the show up ASAP.
Sunday, November 12, 2000 - We've got songs! Check out the Music page to get our first recorded original song and a cover of the Offspring's "The Kids Aren't Alright".
Saturday, November 11, 2000 - I touched up the page a bit, adding the backdrop and putting up some real pages for the pics so it doesn't link to the crappy Freeservers cgi-bin generated page.
Friday, November 3, 2000 - The Media page has finally been put up. There's some great pictures of the band, go check it out. We've also got two original songs written, so we're that much closer to being a "real" band.
Wednesday, October 18, 2000 - We came to the conclusion today that it's easier to keep our name as 5Fingerpole; first, we won't confuse our fans by changing the name, and second, our alternative names ("Broken Society" and "Superego") weren't met with great response, whereas 5Fingerpole has been well-liked with a very few exceptions. We also got a new logo.
Sunday, October 15, 2000 - The band finally got together to practice, and in just a few hours, we more than doubled our song options for Performathon and cleaned up our sound. We got pictures while we were at it...they'll be up as soon as we can get them developed. We're currently debating a name change, as well, due to a small bit of negative response to "5Fingerpole". It's still undecided, though.
Monday, September 25, 2000 - Pictures of each band member are now up on the bio pages. These pictures are temporary; we'll be getting some better ones in the next few weeks (hopefully with our proper instruments). 5Fingerpole is going to be performing for the first time at Lakenheath's Performathon 2000 on November 17. More info later.